How To Start Own Online Business – You are about to learn the exact business model I use to generate online income from my own small one-army business. The business model is relatively simple. In short, you create and sell digital information products in the form of online video courses. The word video shouldn’t scare …

How To Start Own Online Business

How To Start Own Online Business – You are about to learn the exact business model I use to generate online income from my own small one-army business.

The business model is relatively simple. In short, you create and sell digital information products in the form of online video courses. The word video shouldn’t scare you off because you don’t need to film yourself to create high-quality video lectures.

How To Start Own Online Business

How To Start Own Online Business

Every online course you create is an asset that will bring you months and years of income. The most successful companies in the world sell more than one product, so you will too. You will create and sell several online courses.

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The more courses you create, the more experienced you will become, and then you can create your signature high-end program that will be exclusive to your own business school (I provide details below).

Using the steps you’re about to read below, I managed to sell online courses from $7 to $497, enroll over 50,000 students (sorry, can’t give a number correct because every month I add 1,000-2,000 students to my student base) and generated tens of thousands of dollars running my own part-time online business from home.

A niche is another word for a specific market. If you want to get a little more philosophical, niches are necessary (Eben Pagan). It’s no secret that we people have needs that we can’t wait to meet.

A market is made up of niches. For example, “weight loss” is a market. But a sub-niche of the weight loss market would be “weight loss only for men” or “weight loss only for women”. We could even go further. “weight loss for women after pregnancy” or “weight loss for men after 45”.

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Start Your Own Arts And Crafts Business (online)

These are niches, but you should be aware that online instructors use the words niche and market interchangeably. So “weight loss” is one big niche that is made up of many smaller niches or sub-niches.

A niche is a specific group of people who have common characteristics such as needs, problems, desires and fears.

A general rule when creating a digital product and in our case an online course for your online education business is to be specific. We’re talking marketing here. And in marketing, specificity is held in reverence.

How To Start Own Online Business

The reason for this is that when you are specific about your target audience, you are better able to communicate and appeal to precisely the right people. I often say that marketing is communication.

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So my advice is to be specific when choosing a subject to teach. Don’t create an online course with a name “Weight Loss” or “Marketing” or “Yoga” you need to be more specific you need to narrow down your niche and I know it seems counterintuitive because if you pick a niche bigger, you would reach more people and make more money, but that’s not the case. In fact, this is one of the biggest problems marketers face.

Just a second, I want you to imagine a woman after pregnancy. She is browsing online courses on Udemy and sees two courses.

Great, great job – we’re already making progress! And I’m not being sarcastic here. A huge percentage of online instructors are unaware of the concept of specificity and I think it’s costing them money.

Well, your interest and passion for the subject will show through your content and your students will notice. You will speak with enthusiasm, the students love it, it engages them.

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There is nothing worse than a slow instructor who is not interested and passionate about the subject he is teaching.

It’s no secret that emotions are contagious. So if you want to get your students excited – get excited yourself and I’m not talking about being fake or over excited, just speak with passion.

My students always ask me for example niches and mega niches, so I would like to suggest the 4 mega niches you can choose from to start your own online business.

How To Start Own Online Business

These can be broken down into hundreds of sub-niches. For example, my course Instagram Domination: Add Up To 100 Followers A Day With These 3 Easy Strategies.

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How To Start Your Own Online Business For $1

After choosing your mega niche and sub-niche to create the first online course for your own business, it is imperative that you validate your idea.

All the problems and questions that will appear when starting your own online business have already been solved by experienced online instructors. There are proven templates and frameworks that can be executed in any online education business that will increase the effectiveness of marketing and course creation.

I have spent hundreds of hours developing these frameworks as they are a great productivity booster. Take for example writing scripts for your videos.

Well, writing a script may seem easy, but writing a script for a video conference that will motivate and excite people, that will inspire them to act, to change their behavior is another story.

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Your content must have specific qualities to move students. That’s why I created the APE model. Apply it when writing scripts and you’ll always create high-quality videos that students love. This means more positive reviews (social proof) and more sales respectively.

I’ve created an online community of instructors where I share the best of what I know and what’s currently working in marketplaces.

The goal of the community is to help my students (future online instructors like you) turn their passion, knowledge, and experience into online courses that generate income on a monthly basis. In other words, to start your own online business.

How To Start Own Online Business

The biggest perk, though, is priority access to me and our secret Facebook group. To thank you for reading my blog, I would like to make a special offer to newcomers. To learn more about the Self-Made Infopreneur, click the button below to read the full description.

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I wrote a solid and detailed article on how to create online courses that I recommend you read, but for now I want to share one of my biggest discoveries as an online instructor. And it really changed the way I look at online education businesses and if you’re just starting out, now’s a great time to learn about my discovery.

One of the biggest problems facing potential entrepreneurs is that they associate online education with traditional schools or university education and this is a huge mistake as these two have very little in common. I can talk about the differences for hours, but I’ll focus on the important parts.

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In fact, in many cases it would even be better not to be an expert because of the curse of knowledge. Imagine, for example, that you go to a billionaire and ask him how to earn $1,000 – believe me, he would have a hard time answering this question.

You know you need to teach a specific subject, not a general one. This gives us a huge advantage.

Online Business From Home Beginners Guide: Only The Proven Ideas To Make Money Online: Blogging, Amazon Fba, Dropshipping, Social Media Marketing. Start Your Own Business From Zero To Success Today: Wilder, Martin:

You are creating an online course and the main benefit of your course is that it teaches people how to grow their Twitter account. You have a working strategy, you have tested it and it works very well. Your students are happy because they also get results. You get tons of positive reviews, great!

And here’s the important part – no one will ask you if you’re a marketing and business expert. Nobody cares. Your students care about the specific strategy you teach.

Because come to think of it, you’re teaching social media marketing, which is a marketing sub-niche and a business mega-niche. And even more specifically, you’re not just teaching social media marketing, but you’re teaching social media marketing on Twitter, not Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram.

How To Start Own Online Business

Please remember this, you need to be ONE, one step ahead of me and teach me how to solve my problem or get the result I want, then YOU are the expert for me. I don’t care if you don’t have a doctorate. or even a master’s or bachelor’s degree. It is reality.

Starting Your Own Online Business With Zero Audience

By narrowing your niche to the point where you can comfortably teach one or a few simple techniques that work, you can create a profitable online course.

I hope this example has given you a new way to see the level of expertise you need to feel comfortable and confident about teaching online and starting your own online business.

In the business model I teach, you will launch your online course on education platforms which are marketplaces such as Udemy, Skillshare, Curious, and Amazing.

That means there are students there. That’s why I told you that there is no need to have a marketing budget. These platforms will handle the traffic, but you need to optimize your courses to convert the highest percentage of these students into customers.

Growing An Online Business From Zero To Six Figures

You’ll use proven writing techniques and templates to structure your titles and descriptions. This is what will allow you to convert more visitors into students and sell more courses as a result.

If you ask

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