Social Media Marketing Tips And Tricks – There are always more opportunities to increase sales as a business. The digital world, in particular, has become a popular place for many businesses to take advantage of its global reach and wide availability. So digital marketing for your e-commerce is something you want to focus on. In …

Social Media Marketing Tips And Tricks

Social Media Marketing Tips And Tricks – There are always more opportunities to increase sales as a business. The digital world, in particular, has become a popular place for many businesses to take advantage of its global reach and wide availability.

So digital marketing for your e-commerce is something you want to focus on. In fact, e-commerce spending grew to $4.28 trillion in 2020, an increase of 27.6%. Significant growth is expected in 2021 as the total approaches $5 trillion. With so many e-commerce stores popping up now, the competition is tough and the market is getting saturated.

Social Media Marketing Tips And Tricks

Social Media Marketing Tips And Tricks

Below are the top five digital marketing tips to promote your eCommerce business. Note that there are many others – we simply chose to focus on them.

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When it comes to marketing tactics, there are certain things that are proven, no matter what type of business you run. Cross-selling and up-selling are two examples of this.

When you have a customer on your website and they have added a product to their cart, this becomes an ideal opportunity to upsell and cross-promote different products. Think about what you sell and how that product might match well with something else on your website. Suggesting other items that a customer can add to their cart will almost always encourage them to buy more.

Modern e-commerce platforms offer many easy ways to do this. As an aggressive approach, you could have suggestions pop up on their screen as soon as they add an item to their cart. Or as a more subtle tactic, you can add testimonials at the bottom of your product or billing pages.

Cross-selling is something that can work for any brand. When a customer is in the mood to buy a product or service, they are likely to feel comfortable spending more, even if they didn’t intend to.

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Social Media Marketing Tips For Online Merchants

If you haven’t implemented this feature on your site yet, it’s definitely time to do so. You’re missing some low-hanging fruit.

The beauty of e-commerce is that you have a much larger potential reach than a local store. It’s not that the latter makes it impossible to achieve great success, it’s just much more difficult. Scaling a business with physical locations is more expensive and logistically challenging.

If you’ve managed to reach international customers through your marketing, it’s important to connect with them on your website. Of course, language barriers are the most important obstacle to overcome. Your visitors need to understand what you sell, how they can benefit from your products, and easily get in touch with reliable support.

Social Media Marketing Tips And Tricks

At the most basic level, businesses can allow their website to translate a page. Some may also benefit from a video-to-text service that automatically translates all video marketing information. Even better, some modern e-commerce platforms offer automated translation into additional languages ​​so businesses can seamlessly reach a larger audience.

Social Media Marketing Tips For Improving Brand Awareness

When you have a global customer base, it’s essential to make your platform as inclusive as possible. Otherwise, you risk losing customers simply because they can’t navigate the site properly.

Email marketing is a key area of ​​digital marketing. Although it is used less often than before, most people still have an active email. Subscriber acquisition allows businesses to send marketing emails with new products, special offers, loyalty rewards, product suggestions, and more.

However, the difficulty with email marketing is that a lot of it needs to be scheduled in advance. Doing everything manually can be a lot of work, especially if you have hundreds and thousands of subscribers.

Like most marketing channels, automation is a key benefit of email. It’s worth considering software that can help. Software like Revv can help create relevant documents and forms that you can send to customers to get feedback on your products. Others, like Drip, can help you build your customer base and automate campaigns and broadcasts.

Social Media Marketing For Businesses

Text message marketing is a rapidly growing means of reaching people more directly. It has better open rates, engagement and conversations. And it’s easier than most business owners imagine. Like email marketing, SMS marketing can be used to promote new products, remind customers about abandoned carts, offer loyalty rewards, and more.

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Email marketing and messaging can be two of the most effective ways to encourage new and repeat customers to make a purchase. Whether you’re promoting a seasonal sale or a new product range, be sure to use these marketing methods.

Search engine optimization is a critical part of helping your e-commerce business stand out from the competition. It is valuable for your customers to find your website organically through search engines.

Social Media Marketing Tips And Tricks

SEO is an essential part of any part of your digital marketing, but one area of ​​particular importance is with your product pages. You want to make sure that each product page is optimized enough to perform better than before.

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A lot goes into optimizing your store’s SEO. Start by making sure your website has a good framework and is optimized for good page speed. From there, set up a blog, any relevant social media channels, and any free profiles on review or listing sites.

It’s no surprise that social media should be part of your marketing strategy. When it comes to digital marketing, working with influencers is usually a good strategy.

However, not all influencers will prove fruitful in getting customers through the door. It’s important to research and evaluate the analytics that influencers provide to make sure it’s a good fit for your products.

Influencers can review or showcase a product on their social media to reach their loyal followers. So if you are able to connect with the right influencer/audience, it is worth investing some money in these outreach opportunities.

Ways To Create A Successful Social Media Content Strategy

According to the Digital Marketing Institute, 49% of consumers depend on recommendations from influencers. Whether it’s product promotions, product reviews or general advertising, promote and repurpose their content to feature on your own social media as well. This will help their content to be more original and reach a wider audience.

There are so many different marketing tactics that your small business can use. Maybe offering online-only discounts, finding new ways to engage with your customers, or reconnecting with some old customers. Generally, the more you can do, the better.

It’s always important that whatever marketing tactic you use, you think about its level of success. There will be marketing moves that will be better than others and that is why it is good to analyze and find out why this is possible.

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Social Media Marketing Tips And Tricks

Digital marketing is the future of marketing, and it’s something you’ll want to continue to use fully when it comes to your eCommerce website.

Social Media Marketing: The Best Tips For 2021

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Among other things, Michael writes about retail trends and tips for CORONA POS. His focus is on bringing small business owners a more holistic approach to growth. In his spare time, you’ll find him hiking somewhere in the Southwest. Connect with him on LinkedIn. If you follow our social media marketing blog posts (links below), you know there’s a lot of information to learn. Here are 7 top tips and tricks designed to make it easy to get your small business social media up and running.

Check out our other blog posts on Social Media Marketing for Your Small Business: Creating a Social Media Plan for Your Small Business, Simple Tips for Social Media Analytics for Small Business, Social Media for Small Business: Which Platform Should I Use?,  and 16 Social media Basics of media for small businesses.

Powerful Linkedin Marketing Tips (that Actually Work)

Rebecca Calder is Business Link’s Marketing Coordinator. Rebecca likes bears, beets and Battlestar Galactica, although while completing her Masters in Communications and Technology at the University of Alberta, she wrote two papers on Star Trek. Rebecca’s interesting perspective on communication stems in part from her upbringing. She worked as a substitute teacher for two years after graduating, and then realized that the classroom was not the optimal environment for an introvert. Today, she enjoys the power of sitting at a computer, being able to talk to people all over the world. For now, she’s using that power for good in her role at Business Link.

We wish to recognize that the province of Alberta is located in traditional treaty territories 4, 6, 7, 8 and 10, Métis homelands, including eight Métis settlements and six Métis regions, and Inuit. We recognize, honor and respect Canada’s Indigenous peoples, their beliefs and history, and are grateful for the historical and current stewardship of the land we share with them and call home. Social media marketing is one of the most effective ways to attract new customers and engage with existing ones. Here is a list of 12 tips and tricks to help you take your business to the next level

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