Business Model Nike – Business Engineering is the fundamental discipline built by . It combines different disciplines into one powerful subject so you can become a much more effective business person! Back in 2011, I enrolled in an international MBA. With a background in law, an MBA for me was a way to quickly change …

Business Model Nike

Business Model Nike – Business Engineering is the fundamental discipline built by . It combines different disciplines into one powerful subject so you can become a much more effective business person!

Back in 2011, I enrolled in an international MBA. With a background in law, an MBA for me was a way to quickly change direction.

Business Model Nike

Business Model Nike

I wanted to pursue a career in business (more as an entrepreneur than a manager). And I wanted to quickly find a career path to move to the US (I’m originally from Italy).

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Fast forward to 2013, after completing my MBA, I managed to land a job in California as an analyst, after completing my MBA, with an emphasis on Corporate Finance and Business Strategy.

But rather than becoming an entrepreneur, I was stuck in a fixed career path, where – just like in the military – I would take a few linear steps and wait a few more years to move up the ladder.

Fast forward four years since my MBA started and three years into my new life in California. The career journey I had entered through the MBA was not fulfilling for me.

That’s not why I enrolled in an MBA. So I resigned, moved back to Italy and started my own digital company (a lot of things happened in between, like I moved to NYC for a few months, but for the sake of brevity, let’s skip that part, for now).

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I thought that most of the things I had learned in business school, while very useful, for a linear career path, in a company.

They weren’t as useful to me as a digital entrepreneur. So I had to go back to study on my own, experiment a lot and in the process learn a lot of new things from scratch.

To make things more interesting, I also joined a high-tech startup back in 2016, for which I still lead the Enterprise unit.

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Business Model Nike

It’s a real business world journey and a set of resources I’ve learned the hard way over the years to help you navigate an uncertain business world.

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FW is not about quick business education for the sake of it; it is about the smallest dose of corporate education that leads to action rather than paralysis;

About original and independent research, the fruit of thousands of hours of analysis, study and critical thinking.

The name might trick you into thinking you can learn everything there is to know in four weeks.

Instead, it’s about starting a journey, where in a few weeks you can learn and apply basic to advanced business concepts to the real world.

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Personally, it took me years to master some of the concepts I covered on this blog, and often the transition involved forgetting things that were no longer relevant or never had been.

The real world is highly contextual. Things that work in one context will not work or worse will be disastrous in a new context and environment.

That’s why I try to stay agnostic. There are tons of tools, frameworks, and methods you can use, but each should be judged against the environment you’re in.

Business Model Nike

However, the important thing is the process. The process persists because it helps you quickly gain an understanding of the context.

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In 2015, when I completely changed my focus from my previous career to building digital businesses, I found that the education I had acquired through an MBA did not help me very much in building a digital business.

That’s why I set out to document my new journey and as I went through it I thought about building the resources for the business school I wish I had when building my own business.

As I put more and more things out into the world, I was able to gather feedback on whether these resources might be valuable to other practitioners in the real world and that’s what fascinated me and yet it’s what keeps me going.

When I hear people send messages about how they acted on the resources from ; how they got their business off the ground; how they transitioned in their careers or started in a new role, that’s what gives me satisfaction and happiness.

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In order for me to continue to fund my passion, research and enable more and more people to learn advanced business concepts, I had to make it financially sustainable.

The blog monetizes primarily through premium products (courses, books, subscriptions, sponsorships) for people who wanted to take their knowledge to the next level.

People who come to are very happy with the free resources available. While the people who are willing to take the next step to join our premium resources.

Business Model Nike

The business world was changing rapidly; the digital world has changed the way entrepreneurship works and understanding those dynamics has become essential. That is why I have built this blog. I documented here all the lessons I’ve learned over the years and in doing so I made them available to you so that this could become the place for digital entrepreneurs, managers and business people.

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When I first started in digital marketing, I came from a completely different background. Graduated as a lawyer, after an international MBA I worked as a financial analyst for a real estate investment company. That experience taught me to look at hard numbers and dissect the balance sheets of any company to understand the business logic behind them. When you understand how money moves, you can also understand the strategic thinking behind any business.

When I approached digital marketing, I was looking for ways to break away from the regular 9-5 job and be on my own. The problem was that all the things that were most visible on the web ended up being the least useful. I soon learned that visibility does not mean relevance. But I wanted to put out practical resources that anyone could use to grow their business or at least gain a better understanding of the business world.

Then I joined a tech startup. There, I helped the company since the end of 2016 to develop its business operations. One thing that was clear to me from day one was that a solid distribution strategy is critical to the success of any business. From there I started learning everything I could about business modeling, business strategy, distribution strategies and growth marketing.

An MBA can still be a valuable program for people who want to advance in their business careers. And for budding entrepreneurs. However, there are some fundamental aspects of MBA programs that make them too risky by today’s standards.

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As the business world changes at a faster and faster pace, the opportunity cost associated with enrolling in an MBA program has become too high for many to bear.

However, this is only part of the story – I argue. In fact, today MBA programs have become too risky for a few reasons:

On this blog I address business models. And I focus a lot of my attention on those models that change the game. To be sure, it’s not much about interference. What we accept and take for granted is a modern model of business and education. But that model has its foundation in the world that has been shaped in recent decades.

Business Model Nike

Many contemporary business models that have reshaped the business world, and rewritten the rules, seem to harken back to an earlier era. Where centralized and closed models won in the last decades. New technologies finally allow the decentralization, disintermediation and delocalization of companies, processes and teams.

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This way you will be able to learn everything related to business growth, distribution, business modeling and digital entrepreneurship.

One of the most important lessons when studying technology companies is how distribution and the ability to design a sustainable business model are among the most critical aspects. The more a company is based on a technical product or service, the more the founders will be technical people (engineers or programmers). Although this is great and it allows us to build an incredible product. It can also lead to the review of proper sales and distribution strategies that will enable the business to take off and become sustainable, fast!

As Head of Business Development, I also focused my efforts on finding the right strategies, deployments, sales processes to accelerate the growth of digital businesses. It is important to never lose focus on the product and the customers’ needs. From the encounter with a great product built on customer needs, distributed through the right channels, I believe that any company can achieve success, quickly and sustainably.

Society says I learned more in 90 minutes in a coffee shop from the resources of than in three years of part-time MBA

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I have been delighted with Gennaro’s constant stream of excellent briefs and productive insights from . He is a hard working and responsive producer.

Thanks to it, I have learned about some of the basic business concepts that anyone interested in business should know and about the business models of the companies that shape the world. Laura Soto von Arnim Senior Information Security Specialist –

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