New Ideas For Small Business In India – Small Business Ideas in India: Needless to say what a financial disaster this Corona pandemic or COVID 19 has brought to the whole world including our own India. Millions of job losses due to this. Hunger, death and job losses have become an integral part of this. …

New Ideas For Small Business In India

New Ideas For Small Business In India – Small Business Ideas in India: Needless to say what a financial disaster this Corona pandemic or COVID 19 has brought to the whole world including our own India. Millions of job losses due to this. Hunger, death and job losses have become an integral part of this.

Government India had no choice but to announce a complete lockdown to maintain social distancing. This forced many of us to stay at home, which led to many financial difficulties. Also, it has been announced of late that we will have to live with this pandemic for the next few months or even years.

New Ideas For Small Business In India

New Ideas For Small Business In India

For each profession, I have selected 13 small business ideas that many people in India can implement to overcome their financial difficulties to some extent during or after the crown period.

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We all know very well that Govt. India has already taken many steps to ease the financial hardship faced by many people due to this COVID 19.

These benefits are like direct cash transfers, free food, free cooking gas, deferment of EMIs and many more.

Before starting the discussion, I must tell you that no job or profession is that easy. Therefore, it takes a lot of hard and smart work to make it profitable and successful.

My effort has been to bring you some small business ideas in 2020 during or after the lockdown period. This will to some extent help to sustain the loss of job or loss of income that has occurred.

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Do not despair, bad times will not stay with you forever. So, this post is dedicated to everyone who is suffering from the pain of losing income.

Your parents, spouse, children may be waiting for you. Your earnings can bring them food. So friends, just be prepared, be patient and believe in you.

13 small business ideas in India that I have selected here can be started with a small amount of investment. This will surely help to protect one’s livelihood.

New Ideas For Small Business In India

I remembered how to invest a large amount of money even though the family’s livelihood is at risk during this quarantine period. So the initial investment amount for the following small business ideas in India is very low.

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Now let’s see what are these 13 small business ideas in India which one can make a living.

After the WHO declared COVID 19 as a global pandemic, if the sales of any product i.e. face mask skyrocketed. A face mask is the first step to keep yourself away from this coronavirus. Therefore, it has become an integral part of our daily life.

Hence, Face Mask business is at the top position among my 13 Small Business Ideas in India. There are several types of masks available in India both online and offline. You can find these masks selling between 20 to 500 rupees each.

So, the face mask business is definitely one of the booming businesses for the next few years. When public transport is in full swing, the social distancing factor will no longer work. Thus, the dependence on the face mask will increase rapidly.

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If you search the market properly, you can find that the most popular N-95 masks are now selling for Rs. 150 to Rs. If you buy in bulk, 170 azn each. Generally, it comes in a pack of 25 numbers.

So the initial investment will be around Rs.4000. So if you can easily sell this mask for Rs. 200 to Rs. 250 each depending on the situation. If you can sell 10 masks a day, it can earn you between Rs 300-500.

Not everyone can afford a 200 rupee mask, so you should stock up on other face masks like surgical masks, 3m sheet masks, fabric masks and nylon masks. It costs around Rs. From 10 to 30 each.

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New Ideas For Small Business In India

These cheap masks can save you up to 50%. Therefore, this can also help you earn Rs. 300 to Rs. 400 daily by selling these masks in and around your area.

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The next Small Business Ideas that comes to mind considering the existing Hand sanitizer or hand wash is the most sought after product after mask in this lockdown period in India. Since this hygiene product is not in stock, many of us definitely paid extra to get it.

It certainly pleased the black marketeers stocking up on disinfectants right after the evolution of this pandemic. They certainly managed to make more money than that, as demand grew to over-selection across the country.

There are many examples where you pay Rs 100 for a 50ml bottle of sanitizer. The price range of this unbranded and branded hand sanitizer is just between Rs.25-40.

Everyone was concerned about safety first, so the price factor came last. But it seems the situation is under control now. Now the price has come down significantly and a standard 50ml hand sanitizer will cost you Rs 30-40.

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So, you can be sure that the demand for this hand sanitizer and hand wash will be as high as ever in the next few months or years.

How to do it: You can search your local market and buy good quality hand sanitizer and hand wash. The investment can be around Rs 2000-3000. With this one can easily earn Rs. 300 per day.

Although it looks so easy, in practice you have to sweat a lot to earn that much. But what you can do is just walk around your area and contact your relatives, friends, famous people. They can help you a lot in this difficult situation.

New Ideas For Small Business In India

I suggest you not to lose hope and despair. Just think of your family and concentrate. Remember that the product you are selling is in high demand.

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Food home delivery is one of the next small business ideas you can think of in India. People are still afraid to go out for fear of social distancing.

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Therefore, delivery of household essentials is the next big business during this lockdown period and even beyond.

In some cases, people are even willing to pay extra for these home delivery services. The ghost of CORONA infection will not leave people’s minds very soon.

So, it’s a win-win situation for those who have lost their jobs due to the spread of this deadly virus. So, I feel people will take up this offer to get their groceries delivered to their doorstep. This is beneficial for both.

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How to do it: See, buying groceries in bulk at your local market is not that difficult. Also, I would suggest that you don’t need to keep any items in your house. Just accept the order first, buy the goods and deliver them to the customers the next day.

From our daily experience, I can say that the average grocery order per family will be around Rs. 500 to Rs. 2000 depending on the customers.This means your initial investment will be around Rs.3000. 5000.

So basically, if you can deliver groceries worth Rs 2000-3000, you can easily make a profit of Rs. 300 to Rs. 400.

New Ideas For Small Business In India

People want their claims delivered to home and you can claim extra premium in this catastrophic situation.

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In this case, first of all, you can turn to your friends, relatives and well-known people. Tracking where you live will also help you get new customers. This is one of the best small business ideas in India right now.

We cannot avoid our daily needs in this period as well. In addition, food consumption appears to increase as some households spend more time at home.

So this is the right time for someone who has lost their earnings in this pandemic. Therefore, I would suggest taking advantage of this opportunity if possible.

Another small business idea that is more relevant in these difficult circumstances is selling vegetables door-to-door. Yes, this is one of our daily needs.

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Hence, there is a strong possibility that people will love the idea of ​​getting their vegetables delivered to their homes at reasonable prices. Because lockdowns may be lifted, but social distancing needs may not be.

In addition, we have seen many auto drivers, e-rickshaw drivers, washermen, bicycle / motorcycle repair shop owners resorting to this vegetable home delivery business.

I must say to all the people of different professions that no profession is bad unless you do it with great dignity and self-respect.

New Ideas For Small Business In India

How to do it: To sell and deliver vegetables to homes,

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About meki

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