Business Model Analysis – The Business Model Canvas provides a structured and visual “one page” approach to understanding how a company, project or product can create, deliver and capture value. It is actually a picture that helps to describe and evaluate new or existing business models. Developed in 2010 by Yves Pigneur and Alexandre Osterwalder, …

Business Model Analysis

Business Model Analysis – The Business Model Canvas provides a structured and visual “one page” approach to understanding how a company, project or product can create, deliver and capture value. It is actually a picture that helps to describe and evaluate new or existing business models.

Developed in 2010 by Yves Pigneur and Alexandre Osterwalder, authors of Business Model Generation, the Business Model Canvas was originally intended as a tool for entrepreneurs and small business owners. Since then, it has been widely adopted by companies of all shapes and sizes around the world. There are many reasons for this:

Business Model Analysis

Business Model Analysis

The Business Model Canvas, sometimes called a “business matrix,” consists of nine main sections organized around three main themes:

Startup Business Model Analysis

Who are your customers? What target demographics do you hope to serve? Are they consumers (B2C) or other companies (B2B)?

How do you solve customer problems? How can your business or product offer to solve these problems? Why should your customers choose your business or product over your competition? What makes your business or product unique?

How will you interact with your customers? Are your customers autonomous? Do they need support? Are they a community? How will you communicate with your customers? What tone will you use? How do you plan to retain customers?

Which owned and operated channels will you use to reach your customers? What third party channels will you use to promote your business or product? How will your customers find your business or product?

Why Modern Solutions Break Business Model Boundaries

What resources (human, financial or material) are needed to deliver value? What resources are needed to manage customer relationships? What resources are you currently lacking?

Who are the partners you can’t do business without? Who are your suppliers? Who are your supporters? Who are your other strategic partners?

How does your business make money? Do you sell individual (disposable) products or services? Do you sell subscriptions? How much are customers willing to pay for your product or service?

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Business Model Analysis

What are the hard costs associated with your business? What are the resource costs associated with your business activities? How are costs shared? You are here: Home / Business Model Examples / PrecisionBit Business Model Analysis – Predictive Image Analytics for Advertisers

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This week we’re looking at an early stage startup in Singapore. PrecisionBit hopes to change the way advertisers engage with their target markets through intelligent use of machine learning. They are really early stage, so not much is known about them. However, they are part of Telstra’s Muru-D incubator, so they have some funding and, most importantly, people who believe in them. Let’s see what they are trying to do and how it works

The basic premise is that PrecisionBit scans all the metadata it can find in billions of images on the web and then uses that to recommend visual themes that will appeal to the target audience. In his own words

PrecisionBit analyzes data embedded in user-generated photos to recommend visual themes that will capture the most audience interest

There are a number of ways to do this, but the largest sources of user-generated photos on the web are found on Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram and other social networks. Of course, there are many more sources, but critical to this and similar sites is linking user data to images and signals about the strength of the image.

Business Model Canvases

Let me explain. Your presence on Facebook defines you as part of a certain demographic. Age, gender, location, etc. all this allows advertisers to focus on you. I am now quite convinced that social network analysis shows strong patterns in the structure of people’s networks. So, for example, a 42-year-old may have a multigenerational family component, a hobby component, a lifelong friendship component, and a work component to their network. In general, each of these components has a range, but among many users we can make some useful simplifying assumptions. This means that 92% of a 19-year-old American woman living at her Dallas friend’s house will be in the same demographic.

Then we can quickly see what he writes and what he likes. If he posts something that indicates that the image, the meaning text of the image is popular. likes or upvotes are another signal of a photo’s power

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So if we know what this hypothetical user and millions of other people like, then we can start analyzing the data to see what specific demographics like.

Business Model Analysis

This is the background. The problem that PrecisionBit is trying to solve is that as audiences become saturated with digital advertising, ad click-through rates (CTRs) decline. This is a problem for advertisers. They have to pay more or reach fewer people which means worse ROI. Meanwhile, Google and Facebook account for 54% of global digital ad spending.

Mobile Application Business Model Canvas

So by looking at the data and predicting whether a particular creative will result in a higher CTR, engagement, conversion rate or any other metric used will directly drive advertisers’ results. This is a pretty good offer. How is the business model assembled?

Now we’re going to take a little safari through the different parts of the business model, make some educated guesses and see how it works.

PrecisionBit, I think the name comes from the CNC drill bits that do very careful machining on high-tech products – or maybe the focus on data bits with nanometer resolution means they are after 2 customers. Agencies and brands. It’s safe to say that PrecisionBit is not a tool for Mom and Pop advertisers as it stands. They don’t have the digital or creative skills to worry about the exact color palette used and the effect on engagement. You’d have to be big to worry about that, and you’d have to spend a lot of advertising on something like this to move the needle. Remember Google’s blue analytics era.

So we look at big corporates, FMCG and agencies that serve them. We look specifically at the people within them who manage and design digital campaigns and of course optimize them. This is a relatively small population of tens of thousands of people that can be prioritized, and you can easily target the most likely prospects with lists from large advertisers. (This is a little old, but many industry rankings exist)

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An alternative client approach would be to ignore brands and agencies and develop technology to integrate Facebook or Google’s ad technology. It’s a small advantage for one over the other.

So that brings us to the value proposition. I don’t really have enough information to design a proper value proposition here, but a simple summary of what PrecisionBit says on their website is that their value proposition is:

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For the digital marketer, it takes away a lot of optimization pain and offers him higher performing campaigns and a better chance of ROI. Of course, this is another weapon in the arms race. Once the manager’s competitors get it, the net effect will be to strengthen market share and increase their defenses against incumbents.

Business Model Analysis

This means that the VP is strong and engaging, and the technology behind it must be there to deliver. There are a number of alternative VPs lurking in the background for other product lines. For example, the technology can easily be used to identify negative images and thus be used as an anti-spam mechanism (which requires real-time analysis).

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As we can see, there are probably relatively few target customers. This is not a massive B2C offering. Depending on the price point, it’s also worth considering that most users will be technical marketers rather than marketing and sales decision makers. The goal will be to provide technical marketers with another tool to improve their conversion rates. I almost expected it to be a standard web-based automated tool that relays answers, with a support forum and dedicated helpline for higher price tiers.

PrecisionBit currently has a “contact us for demo” form and negligible SEO and social media presence. It’s early days, but that means we have to make some guesses here. The marketing and sales team is lean except for CEO Rachelle Lao, who has FMCG marketing experience and experience as a hustler to put together big deals.

This suggests that the main route to market will be the direct sales route to large corporations using their existing network of contacts. Once this sales process is established, the primary channel will likely be the traditional enterprise software sales route. It really depends on the price point PrecisionBit can afford. If the company is looking for a $100/month subscription, then it will have to go back to and within the sales team. If sold on a per seat basis, the economics are completely different.

It really depends on the economic value that can be delivered to customers and how

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