Create Your Own Greeting Cards – Forget the generic store-bought greeting cards that your recipients won’t think twice about throwing away. This season, design your own custom greeting cards that you can use to send heartfelt messages to your customers. Custom greeting cards are the perfect seasonal marketing strategy without breaking the budget. With today’s …

Create Your Own Greeting Cards

Create Your Own Greeting Cards – Forget the generic store-bought greeting cards that your recipients won’t think twice about throwing away. This season, design your own custom greeting cards that you can use to send heartfelt messages to your customers.

Custom greeting cards are the perfect seasonal marketing strategy without breaking the budget. With today’s graphic editing software, it has never been easier to create a completely custom greeting card even if you are a complete design enthusiast.

Create Your Own Greeting Cards

Create Your Own Greeting Cards

Below, I have compiled the basic steps you need to follow to create the perfect custom greeting card. Don’t worry if it’s your first time making one. This guide will be beginner friendly. Following these steps will help you take your initial design concept and bring it to a fruitful and beautiful conclusion.

Create Your Own Word Art Greeting Card

Here are five easy steps you can follow to create the perfect custom greeting card and a BONUS tip to use when choosing your printing options.

Most professional printing service providers will provide you with downloadable templates to help you lay out your custom card design. Here is a link to our own greeting card templates that you can use for this guide. Just select the size that you want to work on and download the appropriate file type for your graphics editing software. Once you have downloaded the correct template, you can start designing your custom greeting cards.

Greeting cards are very common gifts during seasonal events and other special occasions. Choose a specific theme that fits the event you want to commemorate. This is an important step in knowing what kind of graphics and text to put on your custom greeting cards.

There is an abundance of thematic images for public use that can be found on the Internet. I usually take my photos from public domain image search engines like Pixabay or StockSnap. The sheer number of graphics available can be overwhelming, so having an idea in mind helps narrow down your selections. As a reference point, think about greeting cards you’ve seen or received. Try to incorporate the elements that you liked in your own card.

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Free Online Greeting Card Maker

Once you’ve decided on your theme, you can start collecting your graphics and setting up your design file. Most graphics editing software today have options you can change when you first load your file.

Since we are making a greeting card to be printed, we need to make sure the final print is clear. Set your file to at least 300 dots per inch (dpi) for a clear output. Your color mode should also be set to CMYK instead of RGB. You need to manually set this option because the default is usually RGB. This ensures that the color you see on your screen will be accurate compared to the finished product.

Once you have gathered your graphics, you can start arranging them on your model. Keep your original theme in mind and use fonts that are easy to read. When designing your card, keep this in mind. Don’t overdo it. Keep your design clean and readable, so your theme and message are easy to understand. Finally, since these are custom greeting cards for your business, don’t forget to include your logo and contact information.

Create Your Own Greeting Cards

Once everything looks good, save your file, and send it to your favorite print shop. Unless you are printing only a few greeting cards, you should consider using a professional print shop to print them as they will more than likely save you money and get you better results. Plus, they likely have a proofing service that ensures your design is print-ready. Online printers also have a variety of paper stocks, overlays and other options available to make your custom card even more eye-catching.

Diy Birthday Card Ideas That Show How Much You Care

Check with your online printer to see what extras may be available to dress up your greeting card. A UV coating can make the simplest card look rich. A high gloss UV coating adds a glossy, eye-popping lacquer-like finish to the card. A matte coating gives the card a rich look and feel. Don’t forget to have your online printer add notes and folds to your card to make it easy to prepare for enclosing and mailing.

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Design your own custom greeting cards? Go to our greeting card printing page to get your design printed now.

Kevin is the resident marketing writer. If he’s not writing, he’s probably reading Haruki Murakami’s latest book or rooting for Tyrion Lannister for the Iron Throne. Get the content and creative tools you need with an All-in-One plan and your first month free. Start your trial.

Cat Carroll is a nomadic freelance writer and artist who travels full-time in a converted school bus RV. When not writing or creating analog or digital art, he enjoys rock climbing, hiking, and avid reading.

Custom Christmas Greetings Card Printing

DIY greeting cards are a personal way to reach loved ones or clients, no matter the occasion. Whether you send a card physically or digitally, it’s sure to bring a smile to the recipient’s face.

The possibilities for greeting cards are endless. You can send them for birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries; offer your condolences or gratitude; or to wish someone a speedy recovery.

In this beginner-friendly guide, we’ll cover the basics to help you get started crafting beautiful, thoughtful DIY greeting cards, including:

Create Your Own Greeting Cards

What you include in your DIY greeting card depends on the occasion. For example, if you are sending a birthday card to a dear friend, you might want to personalize it with your friend’s name and a special message.

Print Greeting Cards

But if you’re creating a company holiday card to send to your entire mailing list, you could be left with more seasonal wishes overall.

In any case, don’t forget to sign your card—you want people to know who’s behind it like a chic DIY greeting!

If you plan to share your DIY greeting cards digitally, don’t worry about using a standard card size.

But if you’re planning to print and mail your cards, you’ll want to use one of these sizes:

Custom Greeting Card Maker

For professional design in no time, PicMonkey is an intuitive, easy-to-use tool. Here’s how to create a DIY greeting card using the application, which was recently acquired.

If time is of the essence—or you need a little creative advice (been there)—start with a PicMonkey greeting card template.

Unless you happen to find a template with your name in the signature field, you should at least plan to update this text block.

Create Your Own Greeting Cards

But why stop there? PicMonkey lets you replace the template image with your own photo, or choose from millions of stock assets.

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Animal Greeting Cards Coloring Book: Color · Cut Out · Send; Create Your Own Funny Animal Cards By M.d. Whalen

It also lets you adjust fonts and colors, and add effects, textures, and animations (for digital cards only, of course).

Once you’re happy with your design, download it for print or online. If you plan to print your cards at home, save your files as a PNG or JPG.

If you plan to send it to a professional for printing, download it as a PDF (you’ll need a PicMonkey Pro account to access this option).

Note: To ensure that your design extends to the edges of your print, turn on bleed and adjust your design so that it completely fills the fabric.

How To Make Your Own Greeting Cards

Click on the gear at the bottom of your screen and enable the show bleed mark option. Then adjust your design as needed to fill the extra ⅛-inch all the way around.

Now that you understand the basics of how to create a DIY greeting card using a PicMonkey template, let’s look at some general style and design tips, should you want to start with a blank canvas.

Fonts help set the tone of a greeting card, so it’s important to choose a typeface that matches the vibe you’re going for. A font that mimics handwriting, for example, can help your card feel more personal and friendly.

Create Your Own Greeting Cards

Calligraphy and script fonts offer a classic or romantic feel, making them ideal for holiday or engagement cards. Just keep in mind that some script fonts can be difficult to read-size appropriately.

Make Your Own Greeting Cards

PicMonkey organizes fonts by category, so you can easily scan fonts or browse script fonts for easy comparison. Here are several font pairing ideas to help you get started.

While there are certainly stunning text-only greeting cards, many designs benefit from at least some visual elements, such as photos, graphics, and/or animation.

Again, the occasion will dictate at least some of your decision making. For example, a Hanukkah card might include a happy family portrait or menorah graphic, while sympathy cards might be more robust, including only plain text and a muted, peaceful illustration.

If you’re drawing with PicMonkey, you can upload your own photos and graphics, or choose from a large library of pre-made graphics, stock photos and videos, and animations.

Make Your Own Greeting Cards Craft Kit For Kids

Simply click on an element to drop it onto your canvas, then adjust colors, add effects, and resize and/or rotate each item as you see fit.

If you want to narrow down the options PicMonkey has to offer—there are a lot!—you can choose a PicMonkey theme to limit your universe.

Click on the Themes tab near the top-left of your screen and choose from themes such as Santa Land,

Create Your Own Greeting Cards

About meki

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