Marketing Tips For Small Business 2023 – Stay ahead of the curve with the most important marketing trends of 2023, according to experts and data from HubSpot’s Marketing Strategy Survey. The marketing world moves at the speed of light. As a marketer at any experience level, keeping up with these changes isn’t always easy. But, …

Marketing Tips For Small Business 2023

Marketing Tips For Small Business 2023 – Stay ahead of the curve with the most important marketing trends of 2023, according to experts and data from HubSpot’s Marketing Strategy Survey.

The marketing world moves at the speed of light. As a marketer at any experience level, keeping up with these changes isn’t always easy. But, to succeed in the fast-paced marketing world — and maintain a sense of relevance with your audience — it’s important to stay ahead of them. To help businesses create cutting-edge and competitive marketing strategies in 2023, HubSpot surveyed more than 1,000 global marketing professionals — and spoke with a handful of industry experts — to create this bookmarkable guide to marketing trends to watch for in the coming year. Marketing Trends to Watch in 2022 (Highlights) Content Marketing Trends Social Media Marketing Trends SEO Marketing Trends AI and Automation Trends Privacy Marketing Trends 2023 Marketing Trends [Highlights] Influencer marketing will evolve into a common marketing tactic. Video marketers will keep the content short. Social media will become a customer service tool. More businesses will leverage SEO to generate search traffic. Mobile optimization will also be more important. More companies will prioritize social responsibility. Aligned marketing and sales teams will win. Experiential marketing may be making a comeback. Inbound marketing will be a best practice for growing brands. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) will experience slow adoption in the marketing sector. More brands will test native ads. 1. Influencer marketing will evolve into a common marketing tactic. Influencer marketing really picked up steam in 2022, and we predict this trend will continue in 2023. Why? 89% of marketers who are currently involved in influencer marketing will increase or maintain their investment in the next year. On top of that, 17% of marketers plan to invest in it for the first time in the next year. When marketers collaborate with influencers and industry thought leaders in their industry, they can expand brand awareness and gain fans from the influencer’s own audience. Can’t afford to hire a celebrity influencer with millions of followers? That’s okay. In fact, over 56% of marketers who invest in influencer marketing work with micro-influencers. Micro-influencers are social media promoters with a small following (typically, thousands to thousands of followers). Although they have fewer followers, their posts often pack more punch due to their high levels of engagement. These influencers have also earned a niche in their industry – which is why they’ve started to play a bigger role in converting leads, connecting with audiences, and increasing brand awareness. Because micro-influencers are still considered “everyday” people (unlike hard-to-reach celebrities), their audience is more likely to actually trust their opinions and recommendations. For example, Rosie, known as The Londoner, is a popular travel and lifestyle influencer with over 330k loyal followers who interact and engage with her posts. The image below of the post on the profile shows that with about 36,000 likes, Rosie is getting about 11% engagement. Image Source Although it’s tempting to look only at the number of followers when determining whether an influencer is right for your brand, remember that true influence resides in engagement rates (clicks, subscribes, and purchases). Featured Resources How to Become an Influencer in Your Industry 6-Step Process to Maximize Your Influencer Reach 2. Video marketers will keep content short. Short-form video has taken the marketing world by storm, and we predict it will continue to do so in 2023. A staggering 90% of marketers using short-form video will increase or maintain their investment in the next year, and 1 in 5 marketers plan to take advantage. Short-form video for the first time in 2023. While long-form videos can provide audiences with in-depth and large amounts of information about products, brands or services, both B2C and B2B marketers have learned that short-form videos can actually be more effective. Not only does it take less bandwidth to produce short-form video, but this type of format aligns well with the rapidly shifting focus of online audiences across different demographics. This is why TikTok, Reels and — in previous years — Snapchat have enjoyed rapid growth and marketing interest. Still not convinced that short-form videos can be effective in your marketing strategy? Check out this great example of a TikTok video from Canva that lets viewers know how easy it is to create professional-looking graphics with a website. @canva_ph Tara, design with us!✨ ##CanvaPH ♬ 다노래 – ZICO Featured Resources The Ultimate Video Marketing Starter Pack YouTube for Business: 30-Day Roadmap to Channel Growth How to use video at every stage of the buyer’s journey3. Social media will become a customer service tool. Using social media as a customer service tool is relatively new, but the trend is quickly gaining steam. So, more than a quarter of marketers use direct messages (DM’s) to offer customer support, and 15% of marketers plan to try it for the first time in 2023. It’s no coincidence that this trend is emerging at a time when many social media platforms – namely Instagram and Facebook – are expanding their e-commerce capabilities. For this reason, providing customer service on these platforms will become even more crucial. It’s also worth noting that consumers want to interact with brands through DM’s – especially the Millennial and Gen Z crowd. HubSpot’s 2022 Consumer Trends Survey found that 20% of Gen Z-ers and nearly 25% of Millennials have contacted a brand on social media for customer service in the past three months. 4. More businesses will leverage SEO to drive search traffic. As marketers, we must ensure that our websites and content are as searchable as possible — especially on Google — which can provide both long-term and short-term traffic returns. And, while SEO is not new, its strategies are becoming more integrated into modern day marketing strategies. When it comes to the trend that marketers will invest the most money in for 2023, SEO ranks third behind short-form video and influencer marketing. Additionally, 88% of marketers who have an SEO strategy will increase or maintain their investment in 2023, a slight increase from the year before (84%). As interest and need for SEO strategies grow, so do all search optimization opportunities. As Google algorithms have evolved, SEO has become much more than just churning out basic posts that answer simple search queries. Now, brands are investing in SEO experts who can help them with everything from search insight reports to multimedia optimization. 5. Mobile optimization will also be more important. Consumers are spending more and more time on mobile devices. In fact, more than half of annual online website traffic comes from mobile devices, including tablets. As the purchasing power of Millennials and Gen Z audiences continues to grow, mobile-optimized digital experiences will be even more important for business owners marketing to these fast-paced, highly connected generations to consider. The above are some of the reasons why: 33% of global marketers invest in mobile web design, 64% of SEO marketers call mobile optimization an effective investment and, mobile experiences are not only important on brand websites, they are also important in other key marketing strategies. . For example, 56% of marketers who work with email focus on delivering mobile email experiences to subscribers. Featured Resource The Marketer’s Guide to Mobile 6. More companies will prioritize social responsibility. 89% of marketers who plan to increase or maintain their investment in social responsibility content in 2023, nearly double the previous year. The trend is clear: social responsibility, ethics and transparency are important to the modern consumer. For example, 50% of Gen Z-ers and 40% of Millennials want companies to take a stand on social issues, particularly racial justice, LGBTQ+ rights, gender inequality and climate change. When companies advocate for these issues, it has a strong impact on their purchasing decisions.With all of this in mind, companies use social media to focus more on inclusive initiatives, promotions, and offerings while highlighting the causes or missions they support. Strategy has started. . While this may not immediately sell products, showing a sense of social responsibility is still thoughtful and effective. Hal Gregerson, Senior Lecturer in Leadership and Innovation, shares his perspective on the topic: “If there could be a perfect storm of opportunities to strengthen D&I [diversity and inclusion] in organizations, I believe it’s happening now.” Gregerson says. “With the pandemic, traditional ways of doing business and working were upended, and now, barriers to the idea of ​​change are dissolving.” 7. Aligned marketing and sales teams will win. As we approach 2023, it’s becoming increasingly crucial for sales and marketing teams to work together. When these teams are aligned, marketers can get a more complete picture of their customers, including their interests. , hobbies and demographics. But when that doesn’t happen, it creates problems for everyone involved. Most notably, it is more challenging to share and access the entire data

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Marketing Tips For Small Business 2023

Marketing Tips For Small Business 2023

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